Your Journey Home

a community of women committed to self-evolution and becoming a limitless version of themselves

While the idea of home is often a physical place, it’s also an internal one. When you gaze inward before looking outward, you are home. When you trust that you will never abandon yourself, you are home. When home is inside of you, it doesn’t matter how far you wander, you can always return back to yourself. The homecoming journey is one of both undoing and becoming. It is a return back to your center, your inner-most knowing.


In a world saturated with quick-fix self-care recommendations and expensive price tags for retreats, memberships, and courses, we wanted to create something different. Our desire for authentic community, continual growth and evolution, accessible tools for healing, and sisters who would walk alongside us is what led to Homecoming. 

the heart of homecoming

There is Beauty in Community

A Few Things We Believe In


Healing is not an arrival place

/   We each have a unique blueprint

We all have our own definition of home



We each have a unique blueprint





A good meal with friends

Moving our bodies



Moving our bodies   /

A deep dive into a specific aspect of the homecoming journey. This cohort requires a more involved commitment and work outside of our weekly meetings. It is meant for those who want to continue their Homecoming journey beyond their first experience.

A seven-week journey home to yourself alongside other women committed to discovering & unlocking their limitless selves. You will be guided through this journey by five speakers – each of which bring their own magic to the Homecoming experience.

Homecoming Deep-Dive

Homecoming Journey

coming soon

Even if you haven’t participated in a Homecoming cohort, you’re welcome to join the Homecoming community! We host in-person and virtual events, so check us out!

Homecoming Community

Join the Homecoming Community

Inspired by her own physical and internal evolution, Savannah desired an authentic community with women who were also committed to their own homecoming journeys. After too many superficial happy hours and impersonal events, she decided to create the community she wanted herself. Hence, the origin of Homecoming. What has started with an intimate group of friends has grown into a fruitful community of speakers, participants, friends, and sisters.

Founder, Creator, dreamer, & facilitator of all things homecoming

MEET Savannah

Interested in Learning More About Homecoming?

sarah b.  /  homecoming participant

“Homecoming was so impactful for me. It touched on a lot of places I have not visited in my subconscious, places I have stored stress in my body, and grief I had not processed. Through this 6 weeks, I have confronted a lot of emotions I have suppressed and it allowed me to step into an amazing season of my life.”

homecoming participant

“Let me tell ya… I’m dying my hair pink and I think I’m moving haha this experience gave me some real moments of clarity as to next steps I want to take in my life and what I find most important. I gained soulful insights. I am an observer at heart and getting to watch other women find deeper meaning and ask questions was my favorite part of the experience.”

sarah m.  /  homecoming participant

“I was pretty broken going into Homecoming. I didn't really know what to expect, I was merely hoping to take up time on Wednesday evenings and maybe connect with a few girls going through life, too. What I got was so much more. I started a relationship again with my inner child - who desperately wanted to be heard, to be seen, to be acknowledged."

brianna  /  homecoming participant

“If you are feeling like a little bit of a lost soul lately, this will give you peace. The relationships with the women in your group will become strong quickly and create the softest safe space, mixed with accountability, and a little grace as well. It will give you the perspective you never knew you needed. And the tools you get from the speakers will last you far longer than the 7 weeks.”

homecoming participant

“I highly recommend this space. If you are feeling even the tiniest bit nervous or anxious about anything, this is a safe space to explore a new outlook on finding more about yourself and starting a journey to trust yourself more."

Lacie H.  /  homecoming participant

“Homecoming is not just a course or a class, but it truly is journey built upon a deep inward reflection. Different speakers will provide thought provoking prompts and perspectives to help guide you on listening to your body and finding comfort in your ‘home.’ However, I really enjoyed doing this among a group of women all in different phases of our young adulthood."

kind words from our community

A community of women committed to self-evolution and becoming a limitless version of themselves.

An Undoing & Becoming

Your Journey Home

coming soon!